Iaido pronounced “ee-eye-doh” and Iai Jutsu are primarily concerned with the drawing of the sword (batto) and the dispatching of the enemy in a clear and decisive manner.

In feudal times it was said that there were three possible outcomes in a sword duel: (i) both combatants would kill each other, (ii) one person would be victorious or (iii) one of the combatants would be overwhelmed by the confidence or presence of the opposing swordsman and simply withdraw from the conflict. This latter outcome is considered to have occurred rarely and is the outcome that we prepare for when training. In Japanese this is referred to as  “saya no uchi” or “saya no uchi de katsu” which translates as “to gain victory with the sword still in its scabbard”.

In modern times the use of the sword is now defunct. As students of the art, we invest many years of training with the aim of perfecting our techniques, when in reality this goal is unrealistic as we will never be perfect. This is where the challenge and enjoyment of the art is sought - with training it is possible to slowly polish away the rough exterior to reveal the simple beauty of the art and ones self.

Kihon Basic fundamentals such as correct holding of the sword, posture, breathing, drawing, cutting, sheathing etc.

Kata - After learning the basics the beginner will start learning twelve kata of the All Japan Kendo Federation or Zen Nihon Kendo Renmei (Z.K.R.) also sometimes referred to as Seitei Iaido. These forms were developed in modern times but taken from some of the more popular old schools (koryu).  The ZKR kata create a standard for teaching, grading and competing for all students under the federation, in Australia, Japan and throughout the world. These 12 kata are the tool box or platform and are used to prepare students for training in the old styles (koryu)

Koryu – After a good grounding in the 12 seitei kata students may be invited to begin studying koryu.
We study Muso Shinden Ryu following the line of
Ishido Shizufumi Sensei, Hanshi Hachidan of Kanagawa prefecture in Japan.

    Muso Shinden Ryu contains the following schools

Shoden (Omori Ryu) 12 basic forms

Chuden (Hasegawa Eishin Ryu) 10 basic forms

Okuden Oku Iai Suwari waza 8  basic forms

Okuden Oku Iai Tachiwaza no Bu 13 basic forms

Tachi uchi no kurai – kumitachi (paired forms)  10 basic forms

        Tsume  Iai - 10 basic forms

Ishido Shizufumi sensei - JAPAN

8dan Hanshi Iaido

8dan Kyoshi Jodo

Otake Toshiyuki sensei - JAPAN

7dan Kyoshi Iaido

8dan Kyoshi Jodo
